Safety Tips for quter

Online Safety

  1. Protect Your Personal Information

    • Avoid sharing sensitive information such as home address, workplace, or other identifying details early on.
    • Use the app's messaging system rather than giving out your personal phone number or other contact methods.
  2. Be Cautious with Links and Photos

    • Be wary of users who send unsolicited links or ask for personal photos too soon.
    • It's advisable not to share intimate photos to avoid potential misuse.
  3. Report Suspicious Behavior

    • If someone behaves inappropriately, asks for money, or exhibits other suspicious behaviors, report them immediately through the app.
  4. Avoid Financial Transactions

    • Never send money or provide financial information to someone you've met on a dating app.

Meeting in Person

  1. Meet in Public Places

    • For the first few dates, choose public places like cafes, restaurants, or parks.
    • Avoid private or isolated places, and never invite strangers to your home.
  2. Inform a Trusted Person

    • Let a friend or family member know where you're going and who you're meeting.
    • Consider setting up a check-in time with them to ensure everything is going well.
  3. Plan Your Transportation

    • Use your own vehicle, public transport, or a ride-sharing app.
    • Avoid letting your date pick you up or drop you off at your home.
  4. Know Your Limits

    • While it's okay to enjoy a drink, be aware of your consumption and ensure it doesn't impair your judgment. Remember, it's crucial to stay alert and in control.
    • Never leave your drink unattended, and be cautious if someone offers you a drink.
  5. Trust Your Instincts

    • If something feels off or makes you uncomfortable, it's okay to end the date early.
    • Your safety and comfort are paramount.
  6. Keep Your Phone Charged and Accessible

    • Ensure your phone has enough battery and is easily accessible in case you need to call someone or use a ride-sharing app.
  7. Be Aware of Your Surroundings

    • Stay alert and be conscious of your surroundings. Avoid being too engrossed in your date that you neglect to notice potential safety concerns.

Sexual Health & Consent

  1. Discuss Boundaries Early

    • Clearly communicate your boundaries and ensure mutual respect.
    • Consent is continuous, and both parties have the right to change their minds at any point.
  2. Stay Informed and Protected

    • If you choose to be sexually active, be informed about sexual health.
    • Use protection to prevent STIs and unwanted pregnancies.